Monthly Archives: April 1972


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Pong, the classic.

Pong is one of the first computer games ever created, this simple tennis style game features two paddles and a ball, the goal is to defeat your opponent by being the first player to gain 10 points. A player is awarded a point once their opponent misses a ball. The game can be played with two human players, or one player against a computer controlled opponent.

The game was originally developed by Allan Alcorn and released in 1972 by Atari corporations. In 1975 Atari released a home edition of Pong (the first version was played on Arcade machines) which sold 150,000 units. Today, the Pong Game is considered to be the game which started the video games industry, as it proved that the video games market can produce significant revenues.

The first Pong Arcade machine was installed on a local bar, and it was so successful that Atari decided in 1973 to obtain a line of credit from Wells Fargo and started an assembly line. By the end of the year, Pong arcade machines were shipped to location all over the U.S. as well as to other countries.

Similar to other famous games such as Pacman and Tetris, Pong became one of the symbols of computer gaming.

Play Pong now .. your welcome!